Downtown St. Joseph continues to see remarkable improvements every year! The St. Joseph Downtown Community Improvement District continues to assist in changing the viability of the district by making investments to create a downtown area that the whole community can be proud of.
The St. Joseph Downtown Community Improvement District was formed on September 6, 2011, as a special taxing district to provide funding for capital improvements, beautification, marketing, and business assistance in the downtown area. Funding for the St. Joseph Downtown Community Improvement District is derived by a half-cent sales tax and a property tax equivalent to fifty cents per one hundred dollars of valuation on the downtown property. The total tax that was generated in the fiscal year that ended on June 30, 2024, was $124,728.

The board of directors for the district utilized these funds to pay for several projects in the downtown area maintaining the creative and economic atmosphere that is prevalent downtown. In the year 2023-2024, the district contributed $180,564 toward cultural and economic activities that are contributing toward making a resplendent downtown.

We invite you to downtown St. Joseph, Missouri, the cultural center of our community. Stroll down the historic streets and marvel at the marvelous architecture that has been or is being brought back to life. Interact with the individuals that have made the urban core of the city their home. Enjoy being entertained with all the events, unique shops, and locally-owned restaurants that we have to offer.